Our Approach
We have agreed to be a community of believers worshiping God, making disciples, and sharing Christ’s love.
This strong, clear statement speaks to Community, Worship, Discipleship, and Missions—the four-fold mission of the Church.
Many Christians believe that Missions is what we do, and Evangelism is what we say. At Westwood, we see the two as expressions of the same thing. Missions and Evangelism are both evidence of “sharing Christ’s love” with our community in word and deed.
Sharing Christ’s love is intrinsically “relational.”
It has a real and personal connection.
Sharing Christ’s love is intended to be “transformational.”
It should have an impact in people’s lives.
Sharing Christ’s love invites us to be “relevant.”
It should meet people where they are.
Sharing Christ’s love speaks to who we are and what we do.
You are invited to come and join with us as we seek to serve our community and our world.